INTECOL Supports International Conferences on Ecology
Websites & Documents for International Conferences
on Ecology
February 2006
Workshop on 3D Remote Sensing in Forestry,
Vienna, Austria, February 14 - 15, 2006.
Organized by the EARSeL Special Interest Group Forestry.
Contact: Tatjana Koukal
March 2006
"Global Environmental Change and Ecosystems in East Asia,"
The 2nd EAFES International Congress, Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan, March 25 - 28, 2006.
Organized by the East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies (EAFES)
and the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ)
April 2006
Development of Models and Forest Soil Surveys for
Monitoring of Soil Carbon, Koli, Finland, 5-8 April, 2006. Contact: Dr. Raisa Makipaa
June 2006
The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring,
Heidelberg, Germany, 27-30 June 2006. Contact: Prof. Young J. Kim
July 2006
"Catchments to Coast," The Society of Wetland Scientists
27th International Conference and the Australian Marine Sciences
Association Annual Meeting, Cairns, Australia, 9 - 14 July 2006.
Contact: Dr. Neil Saintilan
August 2006
"Icons and Upstarts in Ecology," ESA 2006:
The Ecological Society of America's 91st Annual Meeting, Memphis, Tennessee,
USA, 6 - 11 August 2006. Contact: ESA Program Chair, Dr. Kiyoko Miyanishi
The 5th European Conference on Ecological Restoration,
Greifswald, Germany, 22 - 25 August 2006.
Contact: Martin Theuerkauf
The First European Congress of
Conservation Biology, Eger, Hungary, 22 - 26 August 2006.
Contact: Dr. Andras Baldi
ESA 2006: The Ecological Society of Australia
in partnership with the New Zealand Ecological Society, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND,
28 August - 1 September 2006.
Contact: Executive Officer, Tanya Howard
September 2006
HydroEco2006: International Multidisciplinary Conference
on Hydrology and Ecology, Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czech Republic,
11-14 September 2006. Contact: Karel Kovar
"Twenty-five years of LTER," 2006 US Long Term Ecological Research Network
All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, Colorado, 19-24 September 2006.
Contact: Dr. Robert Waide
August 2009
The 10th International Congress of Ecology,
Brisbane, Australia, August 2009. Organizer: Dr. Craig James
Opportunities in Ecology
Building Capacity for Ecology Fund from The British Ecological Society. Contact BES Grants Officer at
[[email protected]]
Call for Proposals from the
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), USA.;
Correspondence: NCEAS Outreach Coordinator, Margaret Connors. (December 11, 2005)
As the only truly international ecological society,
INTECOL provides a major forum in which ecological
advances can be brought to the attention of ecologists
worldwide, and where the successes (and sometimes the
failures) of the application of this knowledge can be
discussed. It has principally achieved this so far by
organising the International Congresses of Ecology,
through meetings of its working groups (most notably
the Wetlands Working Group) and
by occasional publications.
The international congresses will remain a major part
of INTECOL's activities, but it is important that we
encourage small meetings on specific issues, more
working groups and more interaction with
ecological societies
Professor John A. Lee
President, INTECOL
***** PAST EVENTS *****
International Symposium on Wetland Restoration 2006,
Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, Japan, 28-29 January 2006.
(The Report of the Symposium)
The First iLEAPS (Integrated Land
Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study) Science Conference,
Boulder, Colorado, USA, 21 - 26 January 2006.
Contact: Nuria Altimir
1st Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists - Europe,
Bangor, Wales, U.K., 5 - 7 January 2006.
Organizer: Professor Chris Freeman
The 5th NRIFD, International Symposium on Forest Fire Protection,
Tokyo, Japan, 30 November - 2 December 2005.
Contact: Dr. K. Satoh
ESA 2005: The annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Australia
29 November - 2 December 2005, University of Queensland, QLD AUSTRALIA.
Contact: Executive Officer, Tanya Howard
International Conference on Environment
Friendly Agricultural Products (EFAP2005) and the Parallel
Workshop on Biosphere Reserve Economics,
Cairo, Egypt, 28 - 30 November 2005.
Correspondence: Prof. Samir I. GHABBOUR