
Luca Luiselli. (lucamlu)
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Luca Luiselli is a leading ecologist at the Institute of Environmental Studies Demetra s.r.l., in the environmental department of the Italian Petroleum Organization, is a research consultant for several private and public organizations (including national parks, reserves, etc), and is an aggregated professor of Ecological Statistics at the University of Roma Tre. He is a steering committee member of IUCN/SSC TFTSG, and serves as editor for the international journals Amphibia-Reptilia and Endangered Species Research. He is also a member of the editorial board of several other scientific journals, including African Journal of Ecology, African Journal of Herpetology, Chelonian Conservation and Biology, the Open Ecology Journal, Herpetozoa, Applied Herpetology. He has won 7 international prizes for high quality research by such institutions as Conservation International, Chelonain Research Foundation, IUCN/SSC TFTSG, IUCN/SSC DAPTF. He has published over 180 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals (including top journals such as Nature, Oikos, Oecologia, Biological Journal of Linnean Society, Biological Conservation, etc), totalling over 210 personal impact factor points (based on ISI counts) and an H-index = 20. His interests are especially in tropical forest ecology, theoretical ecology, ecological modeling, and Monte Carlo methods in ecology.

Most important recent technical papers:

Zuffi, M.A.L., Gentilli, A., Cecchinelli, E., Pupin, F., Bonnet, X., Filippi, E., Luiselli, L., Barbanera, F., Dini, F., Fasola, M. 2009. Geographic variation of body size and reproductive patterns in Continental versus Mediterranean asp vipers, Vipera aspis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 96: 393-391.

LUISELLI, L. 2008. Do lizard communities partition the trophic niche? A worldwide

meta-analysis using null models. Oikos 117: 321–330.

Luja, V.H., Herrando-Perez, S., Gonzales-Solis, D. & Luiselli, L. 2006. Secondary Rain Forests are not Havens for Reptile Species in Tropical Mexico. Biotropica 40: 747-757.

LUISELLI, L., E. A. ENIANG, AND G. C. AKANI. 2007. Non-random structure of a guild of geckos in a fragmented, human-altered, African rainforest. Ecol. Res. 22: 593–603.

LUISELLI, L. 2006d. Resource partitioning and interspecific competition in snakes: the search for general geographical and guild patterns. Oikos 114: 193–211.

LUISELLI, L. 2006c. Site occupancy and density of sympatric Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) and nose-horned viper (Bitis nasicornis). J. Trop. Ecol. 22: 555–564.

LUISELLI, L. 2006b. Food niche overlap between sympatric potential competitors increases with habitat alteration at different trophic levels in rain-forest reptiles (omnivorous tortoises and carnivorous vipers). J. Trop. Ecol. 22: 695-704.

LUISELLI, L. 2005. Snakes don't shrink, but 'shrinkage' is an almost inevitable outcome of measurement error by the experimenters. Oikos 110: 199–202.

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  ¢Átropical forests
  ¢Átheory and modelling
  ¢Ápopulation dynamics
  ¢Átrophic interactions
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