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Writer ADMIN (2006-07-24)
Title Byung-Sun Ihm, New President of Mokpo N. Univ., Korea
Congratulations to Professor Byung-Sun Ihm!

Professor Byung-Sun Ihm, an Honorary Member of INTECOL and President of the East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies (EAFES), has recently been elected President of Mokpo National University in Korea. Many INTECOL members will recall the wonderful job he did for the Association in organising the International Congress of Ecology in Seoul in 2002, and has continued to do for ecologists in Asia in the founding of EAFES. He also organised the first meeting of EAFES in Mokpo in 2004. Many INTECOL members who know him personally will be delighted on learning of his new appointment, and will want to wish him every success in his new role. The INTECOL Board members who worked very closely with him in organising the Seoul Congress will be very well aware that the Mokpo National University is in excellent new hands.

John A. Lee, Preseident, INTECOL
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